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The development partners

The development of EUI was driven by the following institutes:

A brief history 

EUI was conceived by a multi-national consortium and it was proposed in 2008 under the scientific lead of Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB) and the engineering lead of Centre Spatial de Liège (CSL). The proposal was led by Jean-Francois Hochedez (ROB) and, after acceptance, Pierre Rochus of CSL became the Principal Investigator in 2009. He was assisted by Consortium Project Manager Etienne Renotte and EUI System Engineer Jean-Philippe Halain until instrument delivery, when it was handed over to Aline Hermans. 

The Common Electronic Box of EUI was contributed by the Mullard Space Science Laboratory (MSSL) under the lead of institute project manager Tom Kennedy, with Jason Tandy, Kyle Silliman and Sampie Smit responsible for the electronics design and Phil Smith responsible for the software design. Louise Harra was the co-principal investigator at MSSL until mid 2019. Alan Smith took over this role until launch, when David Long will be the co-principal investigator. 

The Full Sun Imager was designed and developed at Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS) under the responsibility of Thierry Appourchaux, replaced as co-PI by Frédéric Auchère after 2013, with Frédéric Rouesnel, Jean-Jacques Fourmond and Cydalise Dumesnil as successive institute project managers The mirrors of FSI and HRI EUV were manufactured by Institut d’Optique (IO) under the responsibility of institute project manager Raymond Mercier, with Franck Delmotte leading the development of the multilayer coatings. 

The HRI Lya was developed by Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) under the lead of Udo Schühle as co-principal investigator, with Michael Kahle, Stefan Meining, and Regina Aznar Cuadrado as successive institute project managers, Klaus Heerlein as lead electronic engineer, and Luca Teriaca as scientific contributor. 

Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos/World Radiation Center (PMOD/WRC) contributed the structure of the OBS under the lead of Werner Schmutz as co-principal investigator until 2019 and Louise Harra thereafter. Daniel Pfiffner and Manfred Gyo were the successive institute project managers.

Erik Pylyser, Ali BenMoussa and Cis Verbeeck were the successive institute project managers at ROB. Andrei Zhukov is the EUI project scientist. ROB contributed expertise during the development of the CMOS sensors (Boris Giordanengo, Samuel Gissot). Susanna Parenti contributed to the science planning concepts. Benjamin Mampaey, Koen Stegen and Emil Kraaikamp contributed to the EUI Data Center ground software. David Berghmans (ROB) has been the Principal Investigator since 2020 and ROB also hosts the EUI Data Center that supports the science planning, instrument operations and data processing for EUI.

The EUI consortium